Seen the film "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks? Lurveeee it I won't talk too much about it because I've woffled on about this topic before haha BUT...Katnipz had this GREAT idea to use the idea of CAST AWAY for this new round of the sales room. I think it's an awesome idea, she is super talented at what she does and the designers that take part in these events are Brilliant 
Hair: Eaters Coma - GIFT 03 / SANDY BLONDE
Necklace: AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Opals Set_Necklace_Ivory @ Katnipz sales room
Bracelets: AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Opals Set_2 Bracelets_Ivory @ Katnipz sales room
Earrings: AsHmOoT_Acc Coll_Opals Set_Triangle Earrings_Ivory @ Katnipz sales room
Outfit: AsHmOoT_SS Coll_Cast Away_Top with Slip_Wet Sand @ Katnipz sales room
Tattoo: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Sea @ Room 69
Shoes: *Reign.- Majesty heels (Slink Medium)- White

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