Haiii lovelies
This post is a mash together of items I absolutely adore. I think it's swagalicious Yesss Yesss it's a made up word LOL. So we have a very amazing and sexy HUD changing mesh shirt from NS, Some hot as hell baggie pants from Delirium Style, awesome hair from Ploom, and the cutest boots from NS which are in the in-world store as a Gacha... Ohhh yes I said Gacha :P
Hair: .ploom. Recycle - Indecisive
Glasses: Glasses Gacha-KRC- OH! LIKE blah.BLAH.blahhh
Ciggie: [NikotiN] Cigarette_LEOPARD
Top: NS:: Mesh Another World Shirt (HUD)
Baggies: D-Style - Hammer Baggies Female
Boots: NS:: Mesh Combat Boots (White)-GACHA
Now here you can have a mooch at the other amazing designs for the NS Gacha boots