Haiii everyone
Well I am NOT digging this stupid unscheduled maintenance that Linden Labs are doing. 3 HOURS I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO LOG IN....3 HOURS!!!! My hubby is still online and his reason is: In his words:: "My avi is so hot it can withstand anything" Pfffft he's only that hot because of me MWAHAHHA. Anyway, speaking of my hubby, this is a collaboration post with him XD Mhmm because were that cool. Let's take a look shall we
::What I'm wearing::
Hair: +Spellbound+ Hecate // Monochromes {WEAR} TDSF
Horns:[E.F] Ferngully.Black.RARE ♥ ♥
Nose Accessory: -Pr!cK- BatHeart Septum {BLACK} Suicide Dollz
Bodysuit: [-S-] Nya Suit - Black THE HO DEPOT ♥ ♥
Shoes: REIGN.- Sacrid Sandals - Gold w/Black TDSF
Psssst!! His money got him pretty things!!
::To see what Jax is wearing::