Hey again fashion lovers.
I have so much amazingness to show you from the Funny Puppet Fair, I'm just going to overload you with posts haha, I'm sure you don't mind though (I'm hoping) I'm so hungry right now, my god I could eat a horse!!! Well not an actual horse, it's just a saying in the UK so please don't think I munch on horses because I don't LOL

Hair: [Atro Patena] - Heaven_Blonde
Outfit: Wee Wendy by Mag<3.B FPF ♥ ♥
Pose: Comes with outfit ♥ ♥
Star: *ED* Twinkle Little Star FPF ♥ ♥
Slippers: WRD-Puppet Slippers 1 FPF ♥ ♥

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