
LOTD #479 - Let Me Take A Selfie -

Hair- +Spellbound+ Cursed // Chapter I : Earth The Dark Style Fair
Eyes- AVELINE Mesh Eyes - Doll-XL -Grey v2.0
Eyeliner- Veechi - Extreme Wings
Eyebrows- NOX. Beks Brows
Skin- .alterego.♥♥ lydia [caramel] 
Shape- {joli♥♥Blu Shape 

Tattoo- .Inhale.♥♥ Love ~ Hope (Female)The Thrift Shop
Top- .HW.♥♥ Raven - Cross Top Spring Fling
Shorts- {joli}♥♥ Those 70's Shorts - Plaid Suicide Dollz
Shoes- GG ♥♥Womens Unrigged Aloha Platform-Black Spring Fling

Head Jewels- ClarityMoon♥♥~BindiMoon Spooky Cute Event
Piercings- .ARISE.♥♥ Mia Facepaint+Piercing Addon The 100 Block
Mouth- [[ CR ]]Nyam Nyam
Bracelets- {Scene}♥♥ Shine - Slave bracelet The Thrift Shop
Nails- . PUNCI . my point nails . Casual-. PUNCI . Delta add-on HUD's BETA 
Phone- Anachron - Studded Smartphone - White & SIlver
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female - High

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