
LOTD #498

So if your wondering why I'm taking blog pictures with crutches and my foot in a cast, here's the reason. 
3 weeks ago I was carrying my 2 year old into the house when I went over on my foot, as we were falling to the floor my motherly instincts of protection kicked in and I turned my body away with my son so he didn't hit the floor. My poor baby got off lightly with a scrape to the head, but mummy didn't.... After an agonising 8 hours wait in E.R. and an XRAY later, I was informed by the doctors that I had broke 3 bones in my ankle. It turns out that I broke a major bone....The weight baring bone... I was given a bed with a scheduled operation for the next day to have a plait and pins inserted. There's still a long way to go before I can put any weight on my foot so I'm literally stuck sitting down all day.
Well there was the story of why my avatar has the snazzy cast and crutches too. I hope you enjoyed my somewhat, painful story :)
Hair- *Soonsiki! Totem *Browns*
Eyebrows- .ARISE. Sarah Eyebrows for COSMETIC FAIR
Skin- -Glam Affair - Sia skin - America 01 ( Maitreya Exclusive )
Shape- {joli} Blu Shape 

Dress- [Cynful] Sexy Back Dress - Black
Shoes- [CX] Grungy Geta (Black)

Earrings- KK- Silver Skull OtB Gacha Fair 22nd May
Necklace- :Moon Amore: SFM Necklace/Gold (Neon Yellow) Kustom9
Cast & Crutches- [ht+] crutches & walker boots
Head- #TheMeshProject (BETA) Head(f) - Classic (Deluxe)
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat

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