LOTD #679

Hair- *Besom~ Pretty Liar
Eyes- E. My Dearest Eyes (Group Gift) TY
Skin- [PXL] Aurora PA FOS02 ~ SKINPACK @ Festival of Sin II TY

Top- Phobia Submine top Kinky Event TY
Pants- Liberta Female Cargo Pants TY
Shoes- AccessoriZe Mianda Heels W/HUD for SLINK HIGH FEET

Panda- Fawny - Among the Bamboo Forests.Panda Companion - 5 The Kawaii Project
Phone (Neck)- :NuDoLu: Portable de Matriochka Ruban menthe (necklace)
Septum- AccessoriZe Deliverence Septum 3 Colors
Mouth- [PXL] SweetLips 02 TY
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High

Chubby Bunny 23 fit high @ Thick Event TY

Photo taken @ LIBERTA Music Festival

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