
LOTD #800

Hair- Doe: Posie - Fatpack - Uber TY
Mouth- [[ CR ]]Nyam Nyam
Skin- Glam Affair - Caroline skin - UBER TY
Shape- --Chik10--  Shape Ninfa
Body- Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female - High

Top- T&S - Open Back Top w/Hud TY
Pants- {joli} Bondage Babes Leggings Suicide Dollz TY
Shoes- [RISQUE] Vegas Gold Pack Kinky Event

Glasses- AccessoriZe PentaGlasseZ stbhunt Nov 1st
Septum- ClarityMoon~Grimm~Septum Coming Soon to The Thrift Shop TY
Earrings- MONS / MESH - EnneagramHoopEarrings
Collar- T&S - Pandora Posture Collar Kinky Event TY
Necklace- AccessoriZe PentaNeck Necklace Bronze Coming to The Thrift Shop Soon
Key- PUNCH [linked] Doll Key Suicide Dollz TY
Handcuffs- #187# Handcuffs Melee Black-Gold BOX TDR TY

:: A x i x :: Group Gift . summer free!

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