
LOTD #858

Hair- [DUE] Hephan - FGC TY
Shape- .::Bitch Factory::. Shape Flor
Head- LOGO Infinity Alex Hybrid Mesh Avatar - Omega (Default)
Skin- Glam Affair - Melanie Appleirs for LOGO ( Shiny Shabby ) TY
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Gesture
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid

Bodysuit- .SALT - SENSUAL BS  - RED Kinky Event TY
Shoes- AccessoriZe Curvature Heels W/HUD Slink Med Feet

9. Glam Affair - Animal Rug 1 TY
4. Glam Affair - Candles TY
1. Glam Affair - Hanging Chair Animal Version TY
5. Glam Affair - Coffee Table TY
6. Glam Affair - Tropical Plant TY
3. Glam Affair - Elephant Silhoutte TY
@ Lost&Found

This picture is a combination of the 11. Glam Affair - Skybox RARE and it's furniture. The items can be played for @ Lost&Found
Unfortunately at the moment I do not have a LM for this event. Once I am given a LM by the amazing Glam Affair, I will update my Blog with a SLurl

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