
LOTD #915

Hey everyone, so I'm trusting you all had a wonderful Christmas??? Mine? Pffft really want to know? Well I'm going to tell you anyway lol
Picture the scene!!!! It's Christmas Eve, My 2 year old takes a nap... Nothing new there you say!! Ah but wait.... He wakes, screaming in pain with his tummy, 2 hours later he's somewhat calm but then....comes... the raging temperatures, and I'm talking like 100+.. This is STILL going on today :( Doctors say he has a very nasty ear infection.. While all this is going on through the week, I decide to wake up and seriously believe I AM DYING!!!
The pains in my side were beyond real, I couldn't breath. 6.30am Boxing Day I was waiting for an ambulance. 5 hours later and 2 bouts of oxygen tanks later, I'm told, I have an infection in my side... Oh the joys..
Can we swap holidays????
On a brighter note I did a Flickr competition for ALTAIR and was absolutely amazing to receive an IM that I won a 2500L gift card. Needless to say, that's all spent up now and here's just a teeny snippet of the goodness
Did I babble?? I babbled :/
Hair- no.match_ ~ NO_ATTENTION - fun edition ~ GROUPGIFT T.
Eyes- {S0NG} :: Stellar // Abyss Eye
Skin- --Glam Affair - Luna Skin - Asia ( Uber ) TY

Top- ClarityMoon~Camille TY
Pants- ::E*cko:: - RaeK Leggings Sanarae TY
Shoes- :: No Cabide :: Cute Doll Shoes (For Slink High) HUD 10 Prints TY

Dermal- -SECRETS- Dermal Cheek - Skull Lovers 
Necklace- Glam Affair - Uber - Ikah Necklace TY
Vampy Bites- ALTAIR* vampire love 

.Chubby Bunny. FAT Hailey TY


::Lustrage:: Jumon set up

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