
LOTD #1047

Hair- +Spellbound+ Ritual // Grimoire : Complete Suicide Dollz TY
Skin- D&M Body Shop - Hecate Mocha TY
Shape- Addiction by ::kv:: Riley TY
Eyes- .random.Matter. - Salvatore Eyes - Bloody - Phoenix

Tattoo- **UrbanStreet** Eternal Roses Tattoo BlgPack Suicide Dollz TY
Outfit- D&M Fashion Shop - Jade Outfit White with Skirt TY
Shoes- Riske - HEX Platforms Blood Suicide Dollz TY

Headwear- Glam Affair - Cristina Headpiece (UBER) TY
Dermals- *Merlific* Punky Cheeks Stretch Suicide Dollz TY
NoseGuard- PUNCH / Nose Guard TY

Skybox- }enMESHed{ City Loft TY The Garage Fair Coming Soon
Chairs, Donuts, Shelving, Storage Cupboards are ALL MunSpain Exclusive Furniture For Garage Fair TY♥ Coming Soon

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