LOTD #1055

Hair- Love Me, Myself, & I - TCF -  TY
Skin- Glam Affair - Sasha - Light Tones TY
Shape- ::Princess Face:: Eden  TY
Eyes- .random.Matter. - Salvatore Eyes - Bloody - Phoenix

Dress- T&S - Gemma Dress  The Thrift Shop TY
Shoes- Phedora. Chloe heels  The Thrift Shop TY

Horns- *Merlific* Demon Horns Gold  Suicide Dollz TY
Bag- ::Duh!:: Sassy/Classy Bag The Garage Fair TY

.Chubby Bunny. FAT Sole Princess TY

.:Lustrage:. Maiyah Pillow 2
+Half-Deer+ Fairy Curtain - Tied (Pink - R)
!six o'clock! storage bench
+Half-Deer+ Blossoming Birdcage - Plum Purple
+Half-Deer+ Coming up Roses - Oval Wall Mirror (White)
{what next} Amelie Armoire (linen) V.1
+Half-Deer+ Stringlight Clutter - Loose Coil

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