LOTD #1088

Hair- Doe: Kelly - The Kawaii Project TY
Head- 01 Genesis_Head_Rina_2.0 ULTRARARE Kustom9
Shape- ::Princess Face:: Sasha Shape  TY
Eyes- IKON Sovereign Eyes - Electric

Top- :: No Cabide :: Sara_ FitMesh Vest Top -  Hud 15 Collors -TY
Shorts- .CB. Tifanny Short Set - Browns TY
Shoes- Astralia - Aquarium wedges RARE Kustom9 TY

Necklace- Astralia - Sweet bee set RAF TY
Claws- .:Pulse:. Fierce Claws - Gold/Onyx Studs RAF TY
Watch- CODEX_Justyn watch old brown RAF TY
Rose- [NikotiN] Rose - White

.CB. FAT Khloe Pose Pack  TY

dust bunny . wanderlust . hedera caravan . RARE The Arcade

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