
LOTD #1260

Hair- *Besom~ Atom *Blondes* Fameshed
Head- CATWA HEAD Annie
Skin- Glam Affair - Moirah Applier ( Catwa / Annie ) Collabor88 TY
Eyes- {S0NG} :: Nyx Eyes // Snow Eye
Ears- L'Etre Horn mesh ears MOM

Outfit- Belle Epoque { Pretty Princess } The Epiphany TY

Piercings- PUNCH / Spit TY
Dimples- PUNCH / Dimple Piercing TY

Pillow- GG Batty Pillow-Black Twe12ve TY
Plane- Belle Epoque { Pretty Princess } Exclusive (WEAR) The Epiphany TY
Firepit- Concept}  Aran. Fireplace  - White - Gift Kustom9 Gift

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