
LOTD #1272

Hair- .:EMO-tions.. *VERA* -FATPACK The Boho Culture Fair TY
Head- CATWA HEAD Annie
Skin- E. Vary Yuli Skin Morena / Gifts HUD Applier
Eyes- -SU!- Bastet Eyes
Ears- L'Etre Horn mesh ears

Tattoo- TattooMania / T-01 / Opacity Haus of Swag Fair TY
Top- -PS- Fringe Mesh Brown Top The Boho Culture Fair TY
Shorts- -PS- High Waist Rolled Legs Jeans Shorts  Light The Boho Culture Fair TY
Foot Chains- :: D-Style - Baby Foot Chains Gold HUD :: The Boho Culture Fair TY

Collar- :: D-Style - Stud Collar RLV/Posture w.HUD Haus of Swag Fair TY
Pug- Foxes - Dead Cute - Zompug - Grey The Epiphany
Unicorn- Foxes - Dead Cute - Zombiecorn - Grey The Epiphany

.Chubby Bunny. FAT Ivy TY

Tent- [P] Pillows, Boho Teepee - The Boho Culture Fair TY

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