
LOTD #1722

Hair- DOUX - Dreemdoll hairstyle [Blondes] @Sad November
Head- CATWA HEAD Catya
Skin- amara beauty - Miriela 06 Catwa Applier
Eyes- [ Conviction ] Living Dead Doll 
Face Tattoo- Misschevious -  Raise A Brow Gacha - 5 - Puddin FGC

Top- *COCO*_RippedTankTop(Black)
Pants- Moon Elixir - FLF Charm Leather Pants FLF
Socks- [Juju] The Winter Leg Warmer White COMMON Kustom9
Shoes- [Juju] The Winter Slippers RARE Kustom9

Rings- ::SG:: KEWL Rings  Maitreya BENTO Limit8 TY♥
Pinkie Rings- ::SG:: VivaLasVegas Ring @ Pocket Gacha TY♥
Bindi- HTT- Skull'N'CrossBones Bindi 3Pack
Septum- :: SAGA :: Charlett Septum w.HUD Boho Culture Fair TY♥
Phone- e.marie // Text Back Phone V2 F - Kemi Selfie Kustom9

FOXCITY. Bouquet (Bento) (Group Gift 03-17)

FOXCITY. Pretty in Pastels - RARE Pocket Gacha

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