Hello again lovelies
Well this post has some color, be prepared :D AsHmOoT has some awesome  new items available at LIKE Sales Room right now, Ploom has sexy hair at FaMeshed and Panda Punx has a stunning skin available at the She & Him event, PerveTTe have some beautiful SLink feet tattoo's and gorgeous Rose footlets designed for SLink feet available at Fantasy Gacha Carnival. If you like the Fifty Linden Friday event then you will LOVE what CandyDoll has to offer right now.
Hair: .ploom. for FaMeshed ❤ TYSM ❤
Dress: AsHmOoT_SS Coll_Double MiniDress_Flower F. On Azure-LSR ❤ TYSM ❤
Skin: .:Panda Punx:. Body Shop Rowan {Fantasy} Skin & Shape-She&Him ❤ TYSM ❤
Bracelets: _CD_ BFF Bracelet Pink - FLF
Foot Tattoo: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] Style Heart-Fantasy Gacha Event-4th May ❤ TYSM ❤
Footlets: My Roses Feet  [White] [ULTRA-RARE]-Fantasy Gacha Event ❤ TYSM ❤
Toe Ring: -UtopiaH- My Pinky Bowy Toe Rings (BOX)

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