Okay so I have the Whitney Houston song "I wanna dance with somebody" in my head God Rest Her Soul. That woman had a voice!!! And since this is the title of my post I think it's fair to say, I've had a nice little relaxing birthday. I wanted to keep this post for a good part of the day because well one of the featured designers is a very good friend of mine and she has done a lot for me in the past, with her kind words and open heart she is truly amazing. Thank you. (You know who you are)

Hair: little bones. West Coast/Les Garcons - Blondes The Chapter Four
Glasses: Izzie's - Oversized Sunglasses (mesh)
Tattoo: [E.F] A Touch of Red Tattoo THE HO DEPOT ♥ ♥
Bracelets: {Indyra} Indy&Co.: Mackenna Bangle Stack Set* CSR
Tunic Dress: U.S Madira Tunic V3 ♥ ♥
Shoes: [Twinkle] Think Pink Heels BB&B 

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