
LOTD #913

Merry Christmas to one and all.
Hope you all have wonderful holidays and get super spoilt ♥♥

Hair- Doe: Clara - N21 TY
Eyes- {S0NG} :: Stellar // Abyss Eye
Skin- -Glam Affair - Marta Skin TY

Outfit- :: No Cabide :: Xmas 2015_ Top and Panties - HUD - App GG TY
Shoes- .:cheeky:. Bibi - Bow high Heels! @ Suicide Dollz TY

Collar- Go*DiVa - KiTTY Collar Kinky Event TY
Dermal- -SECRETS- Dermal Cheek - Skull Lovers


NanikA Pose /Christmas gift /sled riding/

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