
LOTD #1488

Good morning blogger friends and viewers. I thought today I'd write alittle about my post. So you all know The Hipster Fair has opened right?!?! <<< Teleport there :P Anyhoo Zombie Suicide, a long time fav store of mine is in the Event and has brought an amazing New BENTO Shape for the Catya Head by Catwa. The shape has the cutest face I have seen in a long time and guess what?! It's modify, so you can make the body how you want too \o/. Awesome right? I know. I think this may just be my new favourite shape to date. Don't forget to check out all the other amazing Designers taking part in The Hipster Fair including Lyrical Bizarre Templates and so much more. A little sneak peak below is in order :D
Hair- Doe: Arely  Whimsical (02.17.2017) TY♥
Skin- Insol: Face for CATWA 'Marcela', ST04 'Copper'
Eyes- LOTUS. Formation Eyes 11 The Chapter Four
Shape- :Z.S: Angelina Shape Catwa bento The Hipster Fair
Eyeliner- A R T E - Stylish Liner HIPSTER FAIR 2017 TY♥

Top- YK - Suzy  Top & Vest (Black-Red) Exclusive THF Fair TY♥
Pants- *EM*  BF Jeans Black Mesh The Hipster Fair TY♥
Shoes- REIGN.- Rhone Boots- CAMEL

Septum- ~LF~ Spikey Nose -Catwa Bento-  Suicide Dollz TY♥
Hat- !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! - Ella Set MESH For The Hipster Fair TY♥
Collar- !Lyrical B!zarre Templates! - Ella Set MESH For The Hipster Fair TY♥
Ears- #2  [PUMEC]  - / Mesh Ears \


.:Joplino:. Pose Set On my Knees [Exclusive Suicide Dollz] TY♥

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