
LOTD #1828

Hey Everyone :D So I know I don't normally write anything with my blog posts but today I fancied a change! :P 
If any of you are wondering "Why has she not put a pose on this" Well it is because the backdrop/pose set I used was at Backdrop City so I will post the link for that here::: BACKDROP CITY I understand there has been a-lot of controversy regarding Backdrop City but as a blogger I like variation sometimes, like many other bloggers out there. I own a fair few backdrops myself but sometimes, it's just that little change that makes every post come together.
So with that being said, I hope you enjoy this post, it may very well be one of only a few to come in the future as I have Soft Tissue damage and Ligament damage in my right hand which is causing me a-lot of pain. Hope you all have a great day and Happy Shopping !♥♥♥!

Hair- Doe: Tania - Fatpack Saturday Sale
Head- CATWA HEAD Catya
Skin- L'Etre Skin Shop - Monica Skin [Buttermilk Tone] CATWA
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
Eyelashes-  #Besom~ Baby Lash Set (March VIP GIFT) 
Face Tattoo- { Speakeasy } Fear Tattoo 1$L

Leg Tattoo- [LeLuck] leg tattoo *hope* Group Gift TY♥
Outfit- :: No Cabide :: Thais Set  (Maitreya- Slink- Belleza) TY♥
Leg Straps- .:cheeky:. bound legs! Rose Saturday Sale
Shoes- [RV] phedora / Venia heels / 30 C

Bindi- Newtique Pentagram Bindi
Ears- ^^Swallow^^ Dragon Ears 
Earrings- :: SAGA :: Verena Jewel Set Gold  TY♥
Septum- :: SAGA :: Verena Jewel Set Gold  TY♥
Chest Piercing- Newtique Chest Piercing W/HUD
SkinFX- FOXCITY. SkinFX - Volume I

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