
LOTD #1830

Today's post is a little bit on the dark side. I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to give it a like and a share if you would be so kind ♥
Hair- DOUX - Amamda hairstyle [Blondes]
Head- CATWA HEAD Catya
Skin- [Glam Affair] Malina Applier [ Catwa ] 005 ( 06 )
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
Eyes- CATWA RIGGED EYES Catya v3.0
Eyelashes-  .euphoric ~ Luxury Lashes  Applier ~[Catwa]
Lipstick- .euphoric ~Blair Makeup Set ~[Catwa]

Tattoo- [ Suicidal Thots ] SAD Tattoo HUDS
Top- ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::... Hippie n' High Flare Top
Pants- Blueberry - Poppy Leggings - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink - Fat Pack
Shoes- #Besom~ Madina Flats *sept. group gfit

Ears- .:[PUMEC] :.  - / Mesh Ears\   -   August Group Gift
Lip Piercing- BLAXIUM -Nera Piercings- Catwa Bento FATPACK
Necklace- MICHAN - Hayden Necklace
Wings- #1 Blueberry - Angelberry - RARE - Wings - Slayer *Maitreya*

.HG. Roamers

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