
LOTD #674

Good morning blog lovers. Todays post is quite possibly one of the cutest I've ever done in my 17 months of blogging. The sim surrounding, Props used, right down to the clothing on my pretty little pixel body. It all just screams perfectly cute.
I hope you love it as much as me
One thing before I go, If you LOVE to explore, are a fashion blogger like myself, or just like to see new place, I seriously suggest that you visit Fotogenic It is beautiful
Hair- [RA] Amelia Dreads - Fatpack
Eyeliner- Veechi - Extreme Wings
Skin- ((=alterego=)) janae collection [powder] NEW Thank-you

Dungarees- ClarityMoon~Dungarees NEW Thank-you
Shoes- *NW* Bubble Heart - Pink/Mint

Mouth- [[ CR ]]Nyam Nyam
Nails- **RE** LUX Dragon Claws - SLink Casual
Body- Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hands- Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Feet- Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat

ClarityMoon~Pets At Play NEW Thank-you

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